23 December 2007


When the mind is betrayed by madness of illusion, when horrible deeds are done. no one is there who can see the crime towards nature and themselves. The power of mind is working against the owner. Control is lost and then suffering is rushing to the surface. That suffering combined with lack of compassion is one destructive force. It seems that it can't be stopped, not by one man, not by whole world. That madness can be stopped only by its source. But I see that many sources are blinded, betrayed and lost, all that by themselves. Salvation lies so close to them, inside of them and it is so easy to notice that. But it seems that no one can see that. It makes me sad, it makes me even more willing to change myself, to start the change from within. It gives me only more inspiration to have compassion towards the nature..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have Orion's belt in my right arm but only the belt and I looked at Orion's belt in the sky one night and the three birthmarks are in the exact eliment as the stars, but there's nothing around them except skin.