21 January 2008

The ocean..

"Are you alone or just trying to live that way? Leaving everybody behind. Do you think that others will be able to help you after you forget them, after you take away the power of creation and learning when you share your thoughts and experiences? Although we all are individual souls we are like ocean of energy, every one of us represents one drop of water in that ocean. When you take one drop of water out of the ocean it will vaporize quickly in the sun, and then it will wander in the sky, cut out of the ocean, it will know nothing, it will learn nothing..."

Everything is simple.. similarity in nature and people.. comparison of two elements that may seem so diferent, in the end they are one..
Imagination and mind. Creation, when you leave problems behind..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tece i tece i tece jedan slap...